Dirt play kids

A little dirt never hurt anyone!

Why I should let my child play in dirt … in fact, it can help the little ones greatly. You may be aware of the immune-boosting benefits of playing dirt in early childhood. One study concludes that children aged 3-5 who had interacted heavily with healthy soils had higher levels of anti-inflammatory proteins in their blood, contributing to healthier immune…

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The importance of sensory play in early childhood

Babies are naturally curious and the outdoors awakens their senses like no other environment. Have you ever watched a baby laying back on a mat and looking up at the trees swaying above them? The wind on their face, listening to the sounds of birds and other children playing nearby. They are learning and taking it all in and these…

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Listening to birds

Listening to birds …. Growing up as a child in the bush, I was very attuned to bird calls and their meanings and would often sit and watch the wedge-tailed eagles as they flew down to catch their prey. What a spectacular sight that was! Birds are highly important and respected to the first people of Australia. For the Kulin…

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Eco-friendly Activities to do with Dad this Father’s Day

Father’s Day is coming up and here at Eco Explores Australia, we believe in creating meaningful experiences and looking beyond the socks or jocks for dad presents!  So instead of buying something that will end up in landfill why don’t you give dad the gift of some quality time with you? Check out our 6 eco-friendly activities to do with…

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Sowing Seeds with Kids

Spring is an exciting time in the garden, especially for children.  The outdoors is a sensory delight, the scent and colour of the flowers in bloom, and the droning of the bees around them, the birds building their nests. The days and the soil are warming up. It’s a perfect time to venture outside to sow your own seeds with…

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There is no age limit to having a voice

I knew I wanted to become a conservationist when I was just five years old. My mother’s friend will often recount to me her vivid memory of when I walked over to my mum one afternoon to ask her how I could save the orangutans. My earliest memory is sitting my mum down on the couch in our front room…

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Make every moment in nature count

We all know about getting our 10,000 steps in per day, but did you know you also need 120 minutes per week in nature? Spending time outdoors is essential for our mental health and well-being but how much do we need to spend to have a real impact? We know that being outside makes us feel good, but why? And…

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Transforming pedagogy through bush kinder

My journey, the tears, triumphs, and lessons learnt along the way I’ve only been teaching for six years, but it feels like a lifetime due to the exceptional transformation I have undergone as a teacher over these six short years.   My pedagogical transformation is multi-faceted and came about as a direct response to the needs of the children, families, and…

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Surviving, even thriving during lockdown

2020 is a year that we’ll never forget. I learned a lot about myself, that’s for sure and one of the most important things, I’ve learned this year, as a homeschooling mum, is that it is of the utmost importance that I take care of me first. Many people ask me how I manage to balance home schooling and having…

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How to build a native bee hotel with kids

Have you ever wanted to try a fun, easy and hands on project with your kids using only recycled materials and off cuts?  Why not create a native bee habitat in your backyard! Native bees are a bee-utiful addition to your garden adding fuzzy blue, metallic green and golden fluffy superheroes that zoom amongst your veggies and native flowers. They…

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