
Westerfolds Park Forest School – Thursdays

  •  18/07/2019 - 19/09/2019
     10:00 am - 1:30 pm

Our Westerfolds Park Forest School continues for another term with more of an opportunity to expand and develop the skills and activities we introduced in Term 2. We will also be venturing a bit further and crossing the creek to discover an area perfect for building bush cubbies and climbing. This 10-week program has been specifically designed for children aged 4 – 8 years + and provides an enriched and supported environment for kids to learn naturally.

Our team of highly experienced forest school educators will support your child’s learning so that they become more confident, curious, capable and are taught to learn how to take safe risks in the bush through climbing, building and using real tools. They will also discover and learn about our natural environment and it’s fascinating wildlife.

Some of the activities that the children may do include:

  • Using real tools such as hammers, drills and a saw.
  • Bush navigation using maps and identifying symbols/landmarks in the area.
  • Learn rope knots and construction.
  • Bush survival and snake safety.
  • Fire lighting, damper making and campfire cooking.
  • Nature art & craft/weaving/making paints and journalling to record information.
  • Early maths, science, literacy, and numeracy through real-life experiments and hands-on activities.
  • Traditional Aboriginal games and story-telling.
  • Teaching and sharing information, The older and more experienced children pass on important information and guide the new ones. Older children are given more responsibility and naturally take on a leadership role.

The sessions will have a gentle and welcoming rhythm with circle time at the beginning, (Indigenous acknowledgement, sharing ideas and discussing safety rules) and gatherings on the mat to share stories (children are supported to be part of storytelling), and if they choose to, have morning tea and lunch together.

Our forest school aims to inspire creativity, a natural curiosity and enriching sensory play experience while following your child’s interests at all times. We also ensure that children learn to use their bodies so that they develop strength, good balance and coordination while learning to take safe risks with guidance and support from the educators.

Our program is based on the leading research from world-renowned and leading Paediatric Occupational Therapist, Angela Hanscom, author of Balanced and Barefoot to give your child optimum opportunity to build their gross motor and physical skills through climbing, balancing, walking and fine motor skills during our craft activities. Research clearly shows that the more time your child spends in nature, the better they are prepared for learning and life skills, both physically and emotionally. As Angela illustrates, “too many of today’s children miss out on the full sensory richness offered beyond the walls of the classroom or home.”

Our Westerfolds Park Forest School program is run by Adam & Ashlee.

  • Adam is the founder of Eco Explorers and has been delivering bush programs to families for over two years. He spent his entire childhood living and camping in the bush; climbing mountains, exploring rivers, learning to fish, track, make fires and to simplify… just ‘being’ at one in nature. He is also a forest school leader and has a background in Outdoor Education.
  • Ashlee is an early childhood educator, forest school and wilderness camp leader who has been working with children for nearly 10 years. She is passionate about embedding Aboriginal culture into her programs and is also highly creative (a puppet designer) and has worked on many projects with children, making outdoor performances and connecting them with their local area.

These sessions will also be supported by Eco Explorers founder and level 3 Forest School Leader, Melinda. All facilitators are skilled and trained to work with children in the bush and hold a level 2 advanced first aid and carry first aid kits with them at all times.

Forest school Melbourne is an all-weather outdoor program so you need to make sure you bring appropriate weather protection and clothing. Children must have closed footwear when walking in the bush, sun hats, sunscreen, wet weather gear, plenty of snacks and water and a change of clothes. Our program will only be cancelled in the event of an extreme weather warning; fire, storm, high temperatures and strong wind.

Ages: 4-8 years

Our forest school is open to kinder aged, primary school and homeschool children.


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