
Spring Nature Weaving

  •  26/09/2019
     10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Weaving using natural plant fibres has been an activity the first human beings on earth did together. It takes us back to basics. Back to the simplicity of working together in nature to create something beautiful. If you enjoy being creative and love the outdoors, then this workshop is for you!

The children will learn the art of weaving, combining natural fibres and textures and found natural items’ as we will weave in any feathers, leaves or things found around us to create a beautiful weaving loom inspired by nature to hang on their wall at home. They will make nature looms using a combination of wool, thread and natural fibres.

Facilitated by Kate who a qualified and experienced Primary School Teacher, professional artist and Outdoor Education Teacher. She has lead outdoor experiences such as hikes and is passionate about creativity and connecting families to nature.

Our workshops are an all-weather outdoor event so you need to make sure you bring appropriate weather protection and clothing. Children must have closed footwear when walking in the bush, sun hats, gumboots, wet weather gear, plenty of snacks and water and a change of clothes. Our workshops will only be cancelled in the event of an extreme weather warning; fire, storm, high temperatures and strong winds.

Ages: 4 – 10 years

*Parents are responsible for their children at all times.

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