Sticks are such versatile playthings, and so readily available. Using them for play can help strengthen a child’s fine and gross motor skills as well as their balance and coordination. Their use can also help develop a child’s muscle tone, spatial awareness, body capabilities. Fire up your imagination with these suggestions next time you have a stick handy.

- Make a cubby children can fit into: big sticks for the frame, small ones to fill in areas as per walls.
- Small sticks can be used to build a fairy or small person house: stacking on each other or leaning up against something.
- Make a flag, tying some cloth decorated as per your choice on the end
- Play fetch with your dog (or borrow someone’s) by throwing and having the dog retrieve.
- Build a pretend fire by layering sticks upon each other.
- Use another stick to stir your creation cooking on your pretend fire.
- Finish your pretend fire cooking by toasting pretend (or real) marshmallows on a stick. YUM!
- Tap a stick on different surfaces in nature, listen to the difference in sounds that they make.
- Create a maze on the ground with sticks.
- Create a nature weaving frame with sticks.

- Make a funny face on the dirt with sticks.
- Make a ‘trap’: dig a hole and then cover it with different sized and shaped sticks laying side by side.
- Use it as a digging stick to discover what’s in the earth.
- Learn a basic knot with a rope and use this to make a bush swing where the stick is the seat.
- Collect at least 3 strong, thick sticks and use the knots you learned to make a ladder where the sticks are the rungs.
- Sort different shaped sticks into different lengths or thicknesses.
- Order these sticks in ascending/descending order of length or thickness.
- Create shapes on the ground with sticks as the shapes’ sides/edges.
- Use 4 sticks to make a rectangle on the ground: a frame for your nature art.
- Create nature paint brushes with sticks.

- Slither a stick along the ground like a snake to make patterns.
- Wrap a stick in string/wool to decorate it, strengthening fine motor skills
- Tie another stick to the other end of your fishing line: you caught an eel!
- Collect 4 sticks of similar length and thickness, learn a lashing technique to join them together.
- Find a stick shaped like the letter Y and tie some elastic or stretchy material between the V part to make a sling shot.
- Find a stick shaped like the letter Y and tie some string between the V part to make a bubble wand, dipping the created triangle into bubble mixture.
- Stir your mud kitchen creations with a stick spoon.
- Build a wood-fired oven with sticks, fire it with sticks and cook your mud kitchen creations in it.
- Use string to lash small sticks across two longer mainframe sticks to create a raft or boat to float in a puddle or bucket, a creek, or lake or in your bath.

- Collect small sticks as well as leaves, bark, grass and feathers. Shape, thread and twine them together into a comfortable nest for a bird.
- Make the same shaped nest only bigger using large sticks and other materials on the ground, like an emu would.
- Practice air guitar moves by pretending your stick is a guitar.
- Your band needs some percussion: line up another set of sticks like xylophone bars and use an extra one to strike them to play.
- Sing into one like a microphone – you now have a full band!
- Or you could direct your orchestral band with a stick as a baton.
- Angle 3 large sticks upwards in a tent shape, lash together at the top and put some stretchy material across the front triangle. Pull back and release – you have made a catapult
- Respecting your opponent, have a duel with your stick swords.
- Lash two sticks together in an X shape, attach cloth or paper to the front and a string tail: fly your kite!
- Tie a piece of string to the end of a stick to make a fishing rod, dip your line into water.

- Create your own magic wand and wave your stick to make a wish or turn someone into a frog.
- Straddle a stick and go for a horse ride somewhere.
- Choose some things from nature, such as a feather, leaf, rock or bark and hang them from a long stick to create a nature mobile (if you order them from lightest to heaviest, you can tell how strong the wind is blowing, making a wind catcher).
- Go skiing with two sticks as your ski poles.
- Use sticks as sports equipment: hockey stick, cricket bat, tennis racquet. Have a game with someone using other things from nature as extra equipment you might need.
- Go boating with a stick as your paddle.
- Make a bridge over a creek, gutter or puddle with lots of collected sticks.
- Pass your stick as a relay baton in a team race.
- Lash together several sticks in their centres to make a shining star ornament.
- Whittle a stick using our Opinel first pocket knife or whittling peeler and create all sorts of wonderful things such as wands, gnomes, spoons, whistles and sling shots.